Naming your child is the best thing in the world. It is the greatest feeling in the world. It involves your emotions and sentiments. However, naming your child could be a difficult thing. There are thousands of name in the world but not all name suits your child.
In some cultures, the names of the children are given according to their outer characteristics and in other cultures, names are given as per the characteristics and the traits that the parents want to see in their children in the near future.
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However, if you are a type of person who is a bit witty, and likes to play a few pranks with everyone or you are someone who stirs trouble every now and then, chances are that you would want your child to be like you, which means you would want a child to be a trickster. Therefore, why not try a name which means Trickster. After all, the names have a big impact on the personality of the child. It is usually the name that molds a person’s personality.
Some might think that it is not fair to give this kind of name to your child, those people are the ones who have never taken their lives a little bit lightly.

If you are afraid of keeping that kind of a name then keep in mind that is no harm in giving that name to a child. It is just that it provides them with a new side of life.
So, if you need suggestions, look at the 99 names that we have gathered that mean trickster or related to the trickster. All these names are great. They are also popular in the world. So go ahead and check out the names which suit your child the most.
Here is the list of top 99 baby names that have trickster meanings starting with A-Z
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with A
1. Aella
The word means Amazon warrior in greek mythology. Thus, the name means whirlwind. The whirlwind types of people are hard to control.
2. Aiden
It is an Irish name that means enlightened. You would know that one who is enlightened has always a trickster mind. He makes people do what he wants them to do.
3. Alea
It is an Arabic word that means the one who is exalted or the one who is godlike. However, the Italian meaning is something that is related to the trickster. In Italian, it means the risk or hazard.
4. Amelia
It means the one who is industrious. The industrious have always got some tricks on their sleeves.
5. Anansi
In African, it means it is a spider trickster.
6. Anwir
It is a male name. It means a liar. The one who lies a lot. He does care about the consequences.
7. Atropos
It is a female Greek Mythology name that means inevitable, inflexible. She will stop at nothing to achieve her objectives.

Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with B
8. Beretta
In Italian, it means from the gun, of course. The one who assumes control by one way or another.
9. Blaise
It means the fire. The one who is very angry but who is willing to do anything to achieve her goals. It is a female name.
10. Blaze
The male version of Blaise. It has a similar meaning to the above one. He wants to control everything.
11. Brazen
The name relates to one who does pure practical jokes and is a little bit of mischief.
12. Briar
It is of English origin, It is like a wild rose that has a thorny patch. So. look out for one who has this name.
13. Buster
He is kind of rebellious but he is related to the fun facts.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with C
14. Cameron
In the Scottish language, it means crooked nose. Thus, he could be the one who is really crooked.
15. Cannon
It means the clergyman. We all know how clergymen present their arguments to prove their points.
16. Charlie
In German, it means the one who is free. You will be all too familiar th the one who is free. He is always free to express their nature.
17. Claudia
In the Romanian language, she is the one who is never completely committed to anything. Thus, it means she is never truly in or out. She has her own way.
18. Cozbi
It is a female name that means the one who is a liar and deceitful. She is a two-faced person. She has a lot of tricks to make people do what she wants them to do.
19. Curupira
This is a character from Brazilian folklore. He is very cunning and clever but not for himself. He wants to protect the jungle and animal.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with D
20. Dagger
It is an English name that means a sharp edge. It is related to someone who is witty and has a sharp mind. He can be very deceptive.
21. Diesel
The Name is mostly related to the movie star. He is the one who takes a lot of challenges. He is very adventurous.
22. Dionysus
He is considered a God of wine, madness, in greek methodology. He can change his identities.
23. Draco
It means Dragon. It means someone who is very dominating in nature.
24. Dreamer
He is the one who dreams to achieve something big in life.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with E
25. Ella
It means light or beautiful fairy woman.
26. Eris
It means the goddess of discord, in Greek mythology. He will create distress in the world to achieve his goals. His brother is Ares, he is considered the God of war and power.
27. Esau
In Hebrew, it means the one who is very hairy. The person with this name could be really absurd.
28. Eshu/Eleggua/Legba
She is the primary orishas in the Yorùbá religion. She is the patron of roads and doors. However, she is considered a chaotic character full of trickery.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with F
29. Fachnan
It is not a French name. It is an Irish name with the meaning malicious. He must be a trickster. He will have a lot of tricks up his sleeves.
30. Flynn
With Irish roots, it is a great name that shows the funny and serious side of one person.
31. Fogarty
It is also an Irish origin which the exiled one. We are all too familiar with the ones who are exiled or banned. They must be cunning and skillful.
32. Foley
It is an Irish name. It means someone who is a plunderer.
33. Fox
The one who is very cunning. The one who is clever and evil-minded.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with G
34. George
It is a Greek name that means tiller of the soil. He is someone who will always stir up dirt.
35. Gunner
It means someone who is looking for trouble. He is the one who is very brave and willing to do anything. He is like a bold warrior who will use all the tricks in his sleeves to achieve his goals.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with H
36. Harlow
It means the meadow of hares. They are the ones who are not afraid of anything. He is the one who wants to let loose and be himself.
37. Harpo
It is an English name. He is a little bit anarchic but in a humorous way. He is funny, witty, intelligent, and clever.
38. Hermes
He is one of the Messengers of gods in Greek mythology. He is a guider to thieves and travelers and he is also the patron of travelers and thieves. He also stole something very important as per Greek mythology.
39. Hershel Ostropoler
The name is from East European Jewish folklore. The character is full of tricks.
40. Huehuecoyotl
He is considered the gender-changing coyote god of mischief. He is a powerful trickster who engages in trickery against the other gods.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with I
41. Indra
In Indian Mythology comes one who is very cunning. She used all the tricks to save her kingdom from drowning.
42. Iniko
It is a Nigerian word that means Time of Trouble. Someone who will cause a lot of stir around himself. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no morals. Sometimes he is funny and sometimes he is very anxious.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with J
43. Jaakobah
The one who is deceitful. The one who is a two-faced person.

44. Jack
He is someone who uses his smartness to outwit others as per the story Jack and the Beanstalk.He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
45. Jack Mary Ann
A fictional character that is exploitive and foxy minded. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
46. Jagger
It is the name that was popular in the Middle Ages. He is someone who carries a little bit of load. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no morals. Sometimes he is funny and sometimes he is very anxious.
47. Jerry
It is an English name, It means the one who is exalted.
48. Jett
The one who is very quick. He is someone who will give befitting replies from the tongue. He is also very funny In short, he is someone who is quite witty. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
49. Jinx
He is the one who brings bad luck. He is also very clever and smart.
50. John the Conqueror
As per African American stories, he is a slave who is very sharp-minded. He is also a genius who outwits his master. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
51. Joplin
It is an English name that means afflicted. Someone who is tired and in trouble.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with K
52. Kitsune
As per Japanese folklore, they are those who will cause delusion to trick others. They have no care for morals. They are described as “tricksters”.
53. Kuma Lisa
A foxy minded character in Bulgarian folklore.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with L
54. Leo
It is derived from the word Leo that means lion. The people with the name have fiery characteristics.
55. Loki
This word is very popular in the whole world due to the movie “Thor”.He belongs to a Nordic God, meaning Trickster as per Scandinavian history.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with M
56. Mac
It is someone who is mean but still, he isa wise guy.
57. Māui
He is a Polynesian culture hero who gained popularity because of his exploits and his trickery. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
58. Maverick
It is an American name which means who does not believe in government laws, he is a nonconformist. He has his own ways.
59. Max and Moritz
These are two characters from the book of the same name written. They are famous for their tricks.
60. Maximón
A very sharp, cunning, and clever God in modern Mayan culture. He is a womanizer who uses trickery to get things done. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
61. Medea
It is a Greek word that means “cunning.” The character is very smart and intelligent. The character will do anything to achieve the aims.
62. Mischief
It is a very popular word that means misbehavior or troublemaking. We are sure you must be well aware of this name.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with N
63. Narada
Narada is the one who takes advantage of the weak for their own betterment. but He always lacked control over himself.
64. Nasreddin
It is a famous name in the subcontinent. As per Turkish folklore, he is very cunning. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with O
65. Odysseus
He is considered the main character, and a Hero, and a king in Greek mythology. He outwits his opponent to escape perilous situations. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with P
66. Pan
He is considered a God of shepherds and flocks. He is known to play tricks.
67. Pandora
In Greek, it means all gifted, which is related to Pandora’s box. He knows all the secrets of higher authorities.
68. Panurge
A giant character in the books of Francois Rabelais. He is known for his smartness.
69. Patrick
This means Noble. But you want to add fun to it then divide the into pat and trick to create the trickster from inside.
70. Pedro Urdemales
He is someone who is a trickster hero from Iberian and Latin American folklore who did tricks for the greater good.
71. Prometheus
He is the one who Tricked Zeus. He stole the fire on behalf of mankind.
72. Puck
It is an English word that means sharpshooter who kills everyone through his gun. However, it also has another meaning and that is funny.
73. Puck/Robin Goodfellow
A character from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, who plays a lot of tricks on people.
74. Puss in Boots
The magical cat who tricked a king so that he raises a lowborn miller.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with R
75. Rambo
We are all aware of the John Rambo character from the movie series Rambo. He is someone who is very reckless. In the film, it is shown that he has got a lot od tricks up his sleeves to win the lost battle against the enemies.
76. Raven
He is someone who is dark-haired, very intelligent, and sharp. He is also thieving.
77. Rebel
You must be well aware of the one who is a rebel. He is the one who stirs trouble. It means defiant.
78. Reed
Reed means red-haired and we are all aware of the red-haired people: How they become angry on petty issues. Plus, the red-haired people are also very funny too when they are in a good mood. They can show a lot of tricks.
79. Rekker
He is the one who is mischievous. He is a wrecker who wreaks havoc on everyone.
80. Rhonda
It means the person who is independent-minded. The one who is free doesn’t depend on anyone.
81. Rocket
He is the one who is supercharged. He is fast and furious. He is willing to do anything to achieve whatever he wants to achieve.
82. Rogue
The one who is dishonest, scoundrel, and rascal. He will do any evil thing to achieve his objective and assume control all over.
83. Rowdy
The one who is like a gangster. Word needs no explanation. He is the leader of the pack. He can lead his fellows to something rebellious. He will use any evil means to achieve his objectives. He has no moral.
84. Roxie
It has the Persian meaning of Dawn. Having said that, he is often related to the one who is cheeky and witty.
85. Ruse
It means red-haired. Everyone is familiar with the tricks and abilities of the red-headed people. They are someone who is very angry and pus, they re quite witty and give befitting replay to everyone.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with S
86. Sauda
It means evil beauty.
87. Saxon
In the German language, it means the person who is related to the dagger, therefore, he is like a sharp-edge, angry and bitter and plus, a bit mischievous. The person will do everything in his power to do the best and achieve what he wants to achieve.
88. Shabina
It is an Arabic name that means Eye of the storm. Shabina is a Muslim name that is very popular in the Arabian peninsula. However, it is not very much popular in the subcontinent or in the other Muslim regions.
89. Sophia
In the Greek language, it means wisdom. Those who are wise are a little bit mischievous too.
90. Storm
The word is mostly related to the rough climate. Thus, You can never predict anything.
91. Stryker
It is the name of a military tank. This is the name which military families look.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with T
92. Tempest
It is often related calm person who is unpredictable. He can become suddenly become angry, mischievous, and funny.
93. Terach
It is the name that is quite famous in the Hebrew language It means a wild goat, It also means the one is silly.
94. Thorton
It is an English word that means the place of thorns.
95. Tornado
It is also related to turbulent weather. It means whirlwind.
96. Trixie
It is an English name that is often associated with the ones who are a little bit funny, witty, and a bit mischievous. However, the word means “brings joy”.
Baby Names Meaning Trickster Starting with W
97. Wilder
It is an American one. The one who is a little bit confused and perplexed. Sometimes he is funny and sometimes he is very anxious.
98. Wily
It means someone who is a two-faced person. He is deceitful, gaining who tries to gain an advantage in one way or another.
99. Wolf
He is someone with a rebellious character. He is the one who is willing to do anything to achieve his objectives.
There is a new trend in the world that has become very popular. It has gained a lot of pace in the last few years and that trend is giving your baby some unique name that has some different meaning. Do not think that we are talking about giving the child a bad name. We are talking about a name that is out of the box. The names we are talking about have fresh meanings. In short, We are just trying to give bold, spunky names that are fresh and have some fun in them.
Parents, nowadays, do not like the same old traditional names and that is why they are crossing traditional favorite names from their big set of lists. Now, they are looking for the names that are close to reality and that reflect their lifestyle and personal taste.
It just feels that by giving these kinds of names, you just add more fun in the name that is otherwise missing when you borrow a name from a great-great-grandfather.
Key Reference
- Trickster – Wikipedia Link