The Tenets of Cultist
Tenet 1: Streetwear and sportswear are for everyone, not just Bape enswathed Nike shod Japanese men.
Tenet 2: Women’s clothing shall not exclusively be a) pastel, b) tight, or c) frilly. For that, there is Bebe.
Tenet 3: Be-dazzlers are for seven year olds.
Tenet 4: T-shirts are sexy.
Tenet 5: Books are good.
Tenet 6: Art is important.
Tenet 7: US Weekly is not a style bible.
Tenet 8: There are other countries besides the United States, and they make really nice clothes.
Tenet 9: Join us, and we will save you from the mall.
Cultists: Devoted Followers or Fanatical Zealots?
The term “cultist” often carries negative connotations, evoking images of fanatical zealots blindly following a charismatic leader. However, the definition of a cultist is simply “a member of a cult” – a devotee or follower of a particular system of religious beliefs, philosophy, or social practices. So, what distinguishes a harmless cult from a dangerous one? And why does the word “cultist” raise red flags?
According to Merriam-Webster, a cult is “a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous.” By this definition, groups like the Shakers, who were persecuted in the 19th century for their unconventional beliefs, could be considered a cult. The Shakers were distinguished by their use of dance in worship, their celibacy, and their belief in their founder, Mother Ann, as equal to Jesus. While these beliefs may seem strange to outsiders, they are not inherently harmful.
However, there are instances where cults can become dangerous. This occurs when the leader gains total control over the members and manipulates them into committing illegal or harmful acts. One example is the Heaven’s Gate cult, led by Marshall Applewhite, who convinced 39 of his followers to commit suicide in 1997 so that their souls could board a spaceship hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet. In cases like these, the word “cultist” takes on a sinister tone, referring to individuals who are willing to follow their leaders to the point of self-destruction.
On the other hand, being a cultist doesn’t always have to be associated with religious groups. It can also refer to someone who exhibits great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, etc. For instance, music fans who consider themselves “cultists” show intense loyalty to their favorite band, attending every concert and buying every album released. They might even go as far as collecting memorabilia or dressing in clothing inspired by the band. Similarly, movie buffs can be called cinephile cultists, dedicating their time to watching movies, analyzing their themes, and discussing them online.
So, while the term “cultist” can carry negative connotations, it ultimately refers to anyone who shows strong dedication and loyalty to something they believe in. Whether it’s a religious group, a musical artist, or a hobby, being a cultist means having a passion for something that goes beyond casual interest. It’s important to recognize the difference between healthy devotion and dangerous obsession, but ultimately, being a cultist isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Before she got crazy meth face and moved to a remote farm in the middle of nowhere, D’arcy was pretty much the coolest. As bassist for Smashing Pumpkins, she was all sorts of gothy and pouty and cool, just the kind of chick we all wanted to be. So we’d rather not remember her as someone Billy Corgan called a “mean-spirited drug addict” (he’s a douche anyway), or for her unfortunate mug shot (only Lohan looks good in mugshots) but the way she was, but rather black-lipped and impossibly blonde, swaying to the bass line of “Today” forever…