In July 2012, during his presidential campaign speech in Roanoke, Virginia, President Barack Obama made a statement that would later create quite a stir in the political world. He said, “If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” This quote came to be known as “You Didn’t Build That” and sparked debates between conservatives and liberals about income taxes and economic policy issues. Here’s a closer look at the story behind this famous soundbite.
The Speech
President Obama delivered his speech at a local fire station in Roanoke, Virginia, focusing on Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital controversy and discussing his administration’s plan for higher taxes on wealthy Americans. While addressing the crowd, he emphasized the role of community and collaboration in achieving success, stating that no one is self-made and depends solely on their intelligence or hard work.
Here are some key points from his speech:
• Successful people often had help along the way, such as teachers, mentors, or investors.
• Public infrastructure, like roads and bridges, contributes significantly to businesses’ ability to thrive.
• Innovations, such as the Internet, have roots in government research and funding.

Reactions and Parodies
Although President Obama’s speech did not gain immediate traction in traditional news media, it spread rapidly through social networking platforms like Reddit, YouTube, and 4chan. Conservative bloggers and Republicans mocked the pro-government argument by associating the catchphrase with historical innovators like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Steve Jobs. Image macros were created depicting these inventors alongside text like “You didn’t build that,” highlighting irony and humor.
By July 16th, mainstream news outlets started reporting on the controversy surrounding the quote, analyzing its implications and impact on public opinion. However, some critics accused the media of purposely delaying coverage and selectively choosing what stories to cover.
“We Built This” Counter-Message
As the annual Republican National Convention approached, the Republican party adopted the counter-slogan “We Built This,” challenging President Obama’s claim. It symbolized pride in individual achievement and entrepreneurship without acknowledging the role of society, community, and government support.
This decision faced criticism when it was revealed that the Tampa Bay Times Forum, where the convention took place, was built using approximately 62% government funds—totaling over $86 million in taxpayers’ money. Moreover, Sher Valenzuela, a guest speaker at the RNC and a small business owner from Delaware, had previously benefited from nearly $17 million in federal loans and contracts for her company, First State Manufacturing. These revelations undermined the credibility of the “We Built This” slogan and called into question the authenticity of the Republican party’s stance.
President Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That” remark triggered heated discussions and parodies across various media channels. Though intended to celebrate collective efforts in shaping personal achievements, the quote became politicized and misconstrued in ways that obscured its original intent. Nevertheless, it offers valuable insights into understanding the complex relationship between individual effort and societal contributions in fostering growth and success.