Lars-Erik Gelin (1920-1980) was the first Professor of Transplantation Surgery in Sweden. He performed the first kidney transplantation in Gothenburg in 1965. In 1979, the Transplantation Unit in Gothenburg has become the fourth in the world to transplant 1000 kidneys.
Successful Transplantation Research in Sweden: Grants Awarded by the Gelin Foundation
Sweden is home to a thriving transplantation research scene. The Gelin Foundation, established in 1982, has been providing funding for scientific research and development projects within the field of transplantation. In addition, since 1996, the foundation has also awarded the Gelin Scholarship annually to support clinicians who wish to further develop their skills at foreign hospitals or institutions.

This year, eight researchers received grants from the Gelin Foundation for various projects:
- Ingela Fehrman-Ekholm – “Utvärdering av levande anonyma donatorer till njurtransplantation” (“Evaluation of living anonymous kidney donors”): SEK 50,000
- Adjunct professor at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset (Karolinska University Hospital)
- Maria Castedal – “Hepatit C-behandling med direktverkande antiviraler (DAA) i det pre-, peri- och postoperativa skedet vid levertransplantation” (“HCV treatment with direct-acting antivirals (DAA) before, during, and after liver transplantation”): SEK 100,000
- Medical doctor at Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (Sahlgrenska University Hospital)
- Jan Sunnegårdh – “Studier av immunogen effekt(de novo DSA) av svin-influensa (H1N1) vaccin hos transplanterade patienter” (“Investigation of immune response to swine flu (H1N1) vaccine in transplanted patients”): SEK 100,000
- Professor at Sahlgrenska Akademin, Göteborgs universitet (Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg)
- Vanda Friman – “Njurens regenerativa förmåga efter njurtransplantation utgår från spridda celler (SC) belägna i njurtubuli och Bowmans kapsel” (“Renal regenerative capacity after kidney transplantation originates from scattered cells located in renal tubules and Bowman’s capsule”): SEK 100,000
- Docent at Infektionskliniken, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjuckushet (Department of Infectious Diseases, Sahlgrenska University Hospital)
- Martin Johansson – “Identifiering och kvantifiering av donatorsspecifika och komplementbindande HLA antikroppar för individualiserad riskbedömning och behandling före och efter njurtransplantation” (“Identification and quantification of donor-specific and complement-fixing HLA antibodies for personalized risk assessment and treatment before and after kidney transplantation”): SEK 100,000
- Docent at Lunds universitet (Lund University)
- Seema Baid-Agrawal – “Mekanisk perfusion vid svår hjärtsvikt – experimentella och kliniska studier” (“Mechanical perfusion in severe heart failure – experimental and clinical studies”): SEK 75,000
- Docent at Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (Sahlgrenska University Hospital)
- Göran Dellgren – “Stamcellsregenererade vener för dialysändamål” (“Stem cell-generated veins for dialysis purposes”): SEK 100,000
- Docent at Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (Sahlgrenska University Hospital)
- Michael Olausson – Årets hedersmedlem 2016 (“Honorary member of the year 2016”)
- Professor at Sahlgrenska Akademin, Göteborgs universitet (Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg)
Additionally, Pamela Lindgren was named Honorary Member of the Year 2016 by Livet som Gåva (“Life as a Gift”). Through her project RECYCLE ME, she has contributed significantly towards increasing public understanding about organ and tissue donation using design and culture.
Lastly, Erik Berglund received the Gelin Scholarship in 2015 for his work on transplantation without medication to prevent rejection. He will be spending one year at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital conducting research that could lead to future organ transplantations without immunosuppression. A key goal of the Gelin Scholarship is to enable stipendiates to participate in clinical work abroad so they can apply their newfound knowledge upon returning home.
The Gelin Foundation’s primary objective is to award grants for scientific research and development projects related to transplantation. Projects should be conducted at institutions within Sweden. Research focusing on patients’ psychosocial situations and research regarding organ donation are included in the foundation’s mission. Priority should be given to research projects with anticipated clinical significance in the near future.
Transplantation Research Grants 2017
The Gelin Foundation will distribute grants for scientific research projects within the field of transplantation. Projects must be carried out at Swedish institutions. The amount available for distribution in 2017 is 1 million kronor (approximately $113,000 USD).
Download the application form here (PDF) \>
Applications must be submitted to the foundation in 7 copies no later than April 14, 2017. If the proposal is written in English, please include a brief summary in Swedish.
For further information, contact:
Phone: +46 31 – 338 01 08
Stiftelsen Professor Lars-Erik Gelins Minnesfond
Slottsskogsgatan 12