Korean Girl Names: Trying to find a beautiful name for your baby is the best feeling in the world. It involves emotions, feelings, and sentiments. As a parent, these are the moments you cherish your whole life. However, finding a suitable is not an easy business at all. It requires thorough deliberation and consultation. As a parent, you would a name that suits your newly born daughter perfectly.
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Nowadays, you would want to keep a name that is not only perfect in terms of the personality of the child, but it should also be in correlation with the modern names. Nevertheless, if you can’t find an appropriate name then why pick a name from a foreign language such as the Korean language. Korean names are quite attractive and plus, they are very popular, nowadays.
281 Korean Girl Names that you need to know
In Korean tradition, the name consists of two syllables. One is the family name which we call the surname and that is the followed name that is given by the parents. When both combine a name is made. However, each syllable has a unique meaning. This is the case in both North and South Korea.
Here you need to know something about the Hanja. The names of the Korean children depend on this hanja. Most of these names depending on the hanja have lovely meanings. Some of these names are based on spirituality and high morals. So, without further ado, here are some of the best Korean names that have wonderful meanings.
List of Top Unique 281 Korean Girl Names Starting with A-Z
Korean Girl Names Starting With A

1. A Young
This is a two-element word that means refined. It is a beautiful name with a simple meaning.
2. Ae Ri
This means to gain or advantage or even a profit.
3. Ae-cha
It means a loving daughter. If you feel that your daughter loves everyone around her then keep this beautiful name.
4. Ae-jung
It means love.
5. Aera
This means love. It is a lovely Korean name.
6. Ah-In
It means Humanness, benevolence, and much other meaning.
7. Ahnjong
It means tranquillity. If you like tranquility in your environment then this is a perfect name.
8. Ah-seong
It is an uncommon family name that depends on the hanja.
9. Ailiseu
It means iris.
10. Ara
It means Be beautiful and good. If You want your daughter to be beautiful and good then this is a name which perfectly suits her.
11. Areum
It means Beauty. If you feel that your beautiful and charming then this would suit her perfectly.
12. A-Yeong
It means refined.
Korean Girl Names Starting With B

13. Bada
It means the ocean.
14. Bae
If you want your daughter to inspire then this is the name that means ‘inspiration’.
15. Baeg-Ilcho
it refers to the zinnia flower.
16. Baram
It means the wind. It is a great name with deep meaning.
17. Bitna
It is a slightly unusual name with a great meaning‘shining’.
18. Bo-a
It means the treasure or a precious jewel. It also means elegant. So, if you think your daughter is precious like a treasure or a jewel then keep this name.
19. Bom
This might seem like a weird name but it is quite popular. It means spring. The spring season that cherishes everyone.
20. Bom-i
The word means universal beauty. This is such a beautiful name that would suit anyone.
21. Bong
It means the mythical bird.
22. Bong Cha
The word meansthe ultimate girl. If your daughter is the ultimate or the one and the only girl then this name would perfectly resonate with her personality,.
23. Bong-cha
It means the ultimate girl. If your daughter is the ultimate or the one and the only girl then this name would perfectly resonate with her personality.
24. Bongseon
It refers to the impatiens flower.
25. Bon-Hwa
It means Glorious.
26. Byeol
It means a star. If you feel your daughter is as shiny as a star in the sky then feel free to call her by this name.
Korean Girl Names Starting With C
27. Chaewon
It means the origin or the beginning. If your daughter is as the name suggests then call her by this name.
28. Chan-mi
It means praise. If you like your daughter so much then praise her by saying the Chan-mi.
29. Chija
It refers to the gardenia flowers.
30. Chin Sun
It means truth and goodness. Both are great qualities.
31. Chin-sun
It means truth and goodness: If you want to see these attributes in your child then call her with this name.
32. Cho
This is a very short name that means beautiful.
33. Cho-Hee
It means beautiful joy.
34. Choon Hee
It is atwo-element word that means a girl born during spring.
35. Choon-hee
It means the child born at the time of spring. If your child is born at the time of spring then why not call her with this name.
36. Chul
Firmness. The meaning suggests it is the one who is firm in their believe.
37. Chun Hei
It is a nice name with great meaning. It means grace and justice.
38. Chung Cha
The name suggests that your baby is a‘noble daughter’.
39. Chung- sa
It means another.
40. Chung-cha
This is a very popular name in Korean tradition. It means the noble daughter.
41. Chun-hei
It means justice and grace. These are great attributes that you would want to see in every human being.
42. Chun-hwa
The word means the spring blossoms. If you think your daughter is like a flower in the spring then this name is for her.
Korean Girl Names Starting With D

43. Da
This a simple and short word. It means to attain or to win something.
44. Dae
This is a name which you will mostly see in Korean dramas and it means a great one.
45. Da-eun
It means much kindness. If you desire that your daughter inculcates this trait of kindness in her then this name is perfect for her. However, it also means mercy or many silver.
46. Dallia
It refers to the dalia flowers.
47. Dasom
It means love. This is a beautiful name for your newly born child.
48. Dea
It means the great one.
49. Deiji
It means daisy flower.
50. Doh
This is a sweet South Korean baby girl name with an accomplished one.
51. Du
This short word means the Head. Someone who is head of something.
Korean Girl Names Starting With E

52. Eui
This means righteousness. This is a trait of great people. If you think your daughter will have this trait in the future, why not name her Eui.
53. Eun
It means silver. Although this looks like an odd name, it is very popular in Korea.
54. Eun Ae
It is a popular name in Koreawith the meaning ‘grace and love’.
55. Eun Hye
It is a great name that has a meaning of ‘grace’.
56. Eun Jung
It is a simple name with the meaning of grace and affection.
57. Eun-a
It is a two-word name and it means Kind and elegant.
58. Eun-ae
It means grace with love. If your daughter is graceful then call her Eun-ae.
59. Eun-ha
This weird name has a beautiful meaning. It means that your daughter is a galaxy or silver river.
60. Eun-hye
It means grace. it is a great name with a beautiful meaning.
61. Eunji
It means kindness, intellect, and mercy.
62. Eunjoo
It means a little flower or a summer grace. It has several meaning. All the means have a positive purpose and meaning.
63. Eun-jung
This is a two-word name with the meaning Grace and affection,.
64. Eun-kyung
It means a graceful gem. If you believe your baby is a graceful gem then keep this name.
Korean Girl Names Starting With G
65. Ga Eun
This is a name that conveys a special meaning. It means kind and beautiful.
66. Ga-eun
It means beautiful and kind. These are the traits that every parent desires in their child.
67. Gi
This is only a short two-letter word name. It means the brave one.
68. Goo
It literally means complete. A person who is complete in every way. It also means someone who completes you.
69. Gyeong
This is a respectable word with a meaning respected one.
70. Gyunghui
It means beautiful, honor, and respect.
Korean Girl Names Starting With H

71. Ha Eun
In this name, the Ha means summer, Great, or talented. On the other hand, Eun means Kindness and mercy.
72. Ha Rin
In this combination, Ha means Summer, Great, or Talented, and rin refers to Female unicorn.If your daughter is as the name suggests then call her by this name.
73. Ha Yoon
The meaning of Ha is mentioned above and Yoon means Allow or Consent. This is a great name which is very popular among youngsters.
74. Hae
If you think your girl is like an ocean then this name would perfectly suit her. Plus, it is very popular in Korean culture.
75. Haebaragi
It means the sunflower.
76. Ha-eun
It means God’s grace. Your daughter can be God’s grace for you. So, why not call her Ha-eun.
77. Hae-won
This two-word name means graceful and beautiful garden. It is a simple but attractive name in Korean Cultture.
78. Hana
It means My favorite. If your daughter is your favorite then keep this favourite.
79. Haneul
It means heaven or sky.
80. Ha-Neul
It means the sky. If you feel your daughter is like a sky then this is the name.
81. Haru
It means the day.
82. Haw
It means young beautiful flower.
83. Hayoon
It means the sunlight.
84. Hea
It means the graceful girl.
85. Heejin
It means precious pearl.
86. Hee-jin
It means precious pearl. Do you believe your daughter is a precious pearl? if yes, then this name is for her.
87. Hee-Young
It means Joy and prosperity, It relates to a girl who brings joy and prosperity wherever she goes.
88. Hei Ryung
The word means Grace and brightness. The name is a symbol of illumination.
89. Hei-Ran
It means graceful orchid.
90. Hei-ryung
it means Grace and brightness. It has several meaning. All the means have a positive purpose and meaning.
91. Hiah
It means glad.
92. Ho
It means goodness lake.
93. Hoe
It relates to a Garden Tool that is Used to Loosen Soil. It also means A Korean dish of raw fish.
94. Ho-Sook
The name meansA clear lake. If you think your daughter is like our and clear lake then this is the name for her.
95. Hwa Young
It means beautiful flower, a great name with a wonderful meaning.
96. Hwa-Young
It means beautiful flower.
97. Hye
If you feel your daughter is intelligent then this is a name with the meaning intelligent woman.
98. Hye-Bin
It means intelligent and refined.
99. Hye-Ja
It means kindness.
100. Hyejin
It means intelligent and bright.
101. Hye-jung
It means intelligent and silent.
102. Hye-kyung
It means silent and respected.
103. Hye-mi
It means beautiful.
104. Hyeon
This is the name that is quite popular among Korean youngsters. It means a person of virtue.
105. Hye-rim
It means beautiful jade.
106. Hye-rin
It means Bright and beautiful jade. It has several meaning. All the means have a positive purpose and meaning.
107. Hye-su
It means grace and beautiful.
108. Hye-won
It means beautiful and grace.
109. Hye-young
Its meaning depends on hanja.
110. Hyo
It means a filial duty. It means the girl with filial duty Girl.
111. Hyo-joo
obedient and pity.
112. Hyo-rin
It means love.
113. Hyo-son
It means Filial and gentle.
114. Hyo-Sonn
This is a two-word name which means Filial and gentle, It refers to the onewho is filial and gentle. Girl.
115. Hyuk
This might look like a weird name but it is not at all weird in Korean culture. It means radiant.
116. Hyun
The word Hyun is combined with many words to form a beautiful name. It means Bright and intelligent in Korean.
117. Hyun Jae
It meansWise and respectful. It refers to the one who is wise and respectful.
118. Hyun-a
It means Shining and elegant.
119. Hyun-Ae
It means love and clarity. It refers to the one who isloving and clear. It is a suitable name for both girls and boys.
120. Hyun-jae
It means Wise and respectful.
121. Hyun-mi
It means obedient.
122. Hyun-Ok
It means a wise and beautiful pearl.It shows the traits of a girl who is wise and is like a beautiful pearl.
123. Hyun-sook
Its meaning is based on hanja.
Korean Girl Names Starting With I
124. Iseul
This is a fine name with the meaning of morning dew.
Korean Girl Names Starting With J
125. Jae
This is short but it has a lot of meaning. It means respect.
126. Jae Hwa
Nowadays, it becomes a pretty famous name among Koreans which means rich and prosperous. It also means respect and beauty.
127. Jae-hwa
It means Respect and beauty. It means the one who is beautiful and plus, she is respected by everyone.
128. Jang-Mi
It means rose.
129. Jee
If your daughter is wise then keep this name for her. It means the wise one. It would perfectly match the inner trait.
130. Jelanyum
It refers to the geranium flower. If your daughter is as the name suggests then call her by this name.
131. Jeong
The name indicates that your daughter will be silent. It means silent and chaste.
132. Ji
This is a very short name which means Wisdom and Intellect. It is a suitable name for both girls and boys.
133. Ji Ah
In this combination Ji means Wisdom, and Intellect and Ah means Beautiful, Bud, or Sprout.
134. Ji Hyun
This word has several meanings. It means virtuous and worthy. It also means wisdom and intellect.
135. Ji Woo
Ji means Wisdom and Intellect. Whereas, Woo means Rain, House, or Universe.
136. Ji Yoo
In this combination, Yoo means Abundant, Rich, Plentiful.If your daughter is as the name suggests then call her by this name.
137. Jia
It means beautiful and good.
138. Jieun
It means something hidden.
139. Ji-hyun
It means Wisdom or intellect and virtuous or worthy. It has several other meanings.
140. Jimin
It means quick and clever intellect.
141. Jin Kyong
The word has several meanings. It means truth, treasure, and brightness.
142. JinAe
This two-elementalso has several meanings. It means truth. It also means treasure and love.
143. Jin-Ae
It means truth, love, and treasure.
144. Jindallae
It refers to the azalea flower. It is the rarest name in Korea. You will rarely see someone with this type of name.
145. Jiwoo
It means branch, perceive, and mercy. It has several meaning. All the means have a positive purpose and meaning.
146. Jiyoung
It means winsome, perception, or a flower.
147. Jong
It means silent and chaste. This is the name that you will hear a lot in Korean poitics.
148. Joo
It means jewel.
149. Joon
It is a word that every second person has in Korea. It means talented.
150. Jung
It means silent and chaste. The name is related to Korean dramas.
151. Jung hwan
It means the righteous beauty.
Korean Girl Names Starting With K
152. Kaneisyeon
It means carnation. If your daughter is beautiful as a carnation flower then this is the name for her.
153. Ki
It is a very short word but it is quite popular in Korea and other nations too like China and Japan. It means the one who has risen.
154. Kwan
If you want your daughter to be strong then this is the name for her. This single element name means strong girl.
155. Kyong
The word is a symbol of brightness. It means brightness.
156. Kyung
It means Respected.
157. Kyung Mi
Kyung is a word that is very famous and it has many combinations available. It means beauty with honor.
158. Kyung Soon
Again the word Kyoung is combined with some other word. It means honored and mild.
159. Kyung-Hu
The word has a weird meaning. it means a Girl in the capital.
160. Kyung-mi
It means Honored and beauty. It refers to the beautiful queen.
161. Kyung-Soon
It means honored and mild.
Korean Girl Names Starting With M
162. Mee
This is a sweet short name with a lovely meaning. It means beautiful. It is a name that suggests that your daughter is really beatiful.
163. Mi Cha
This is a word that will be going to hear a lot in Korean movies. It means gorgeous.
164. Mi Hi
Mi is a word that has several combinations with other words. It means joy and beauty.
165. Mi Young
The word has a simple but deep meaning. It means everlasting beauty.
166. Mi-Cha
It means the beautiful girl.
167. Migyung
It means beautiful, scenery, and more meanings.
168. Mi-Hi
It means the beautiful joy.
169. Mi-ja
It means differs based on hanja.
170. Mi-Kyong
It means beauty and brightness.
171. Min
This a great word that has a fantastic meaning. It means excellence and cleverness.
172. Mindeulle
It means dandelion flower.
173. Min-jee
It means Brightness and wisdom. If your daughter is a sign of wisdom then this is the name for her.
174. Minji
It means and sharp intelligent.
175. Min-ji
It means intelligent and sharp.
176. Minjung
It means the people.
177. Min-jung
It means Bright and noble. If your daughter is the noble one then this is the name for her.
178. Min-seo
It means clever and calm.
179. Minsuh
It refers to the dignified people.
180. Mi-Ok
It means the beautiful pearl.
181. Mi-Sun
It means the beauty and goodness.
182. Mi-Young
It means the everlasting beauty.
183. Molan
It means peony.
184. Moon
It means the smart one.
185. Mun Hee
This is a two-element name and it meanseducated and literate.
186. Mun-Hee
It refers to educated literate.
187. Myung
It means clear.
188. Myung-Hee
It means the cheerful joy.
189. Myung-Ok
It means bright pearl.
Korean Girl Names Starting With N
190. Nabi
This is might look a bit awkward word in English but it has a lovely meaning. It means the butterfly.
191. Nam Kyu
This is a word that depicts a story of how far you are away from home i.e, from the south of the Korean peninsula. It means southern. It has kind of unusual meaning.
192. Nari
It means the lily flower.
Korean Girl Names Starting With O
193. Ok
It means treasured.The one who itself is a treasure or will bring the treasure in the future.
194. ora
It means purple in color.
195. Oung
It means the Successor or one on the verge of winning. IF your daughter is your successor then this is the name.
Korean Girl Names Starting With P
196. Paenji
It means pansy.
Korean Girl Names Starting With S
197. S0o-jung
its meaning is based on hanja.
198. Sae
It is a unique name. It means wonderful. If you feel your daughter is wonderful then keep this name.
199. Sang-Hee
The benevolent and pleasant one. If your daughter will be benevolent in the future then this is the name.
200. Sang-mi
Its meaning depends on hanja.
201. Sarang
It means Love.
202. Sena
It means the world’s beauty.If your daughter is as the name suggests then call her by this name.
203. Seo
This is a lovely name with a deep meaning. It means like a rock.
204. Seo Ah
In this combination of words, Seo means Auspicious, and Ah means Beautiful and Elegant.
205. Seo Yeon
This is a two-element word in which Seo referees to Auspicious, and Yeon is Beautiful or Graceful,.
206. Seo Yoon
Seo refers to Auspicious, and Yoon means Allow or Consent.
207. Seohyun
It means auspicious, virtuous, and many more.
208. Seol-hee
It means Child.
209. Seong
It means finished. This is a weird meaning which is difficult to fathom.
210. Seong-ja
It means pearl.
211. Seon-ok
Meaning is based on hanja.
212. Seo-yeon
It means the Felicitous omen, beautiful or graceful. It has several meaning. If you feel any of the meaning is right for your daughter then call her from thin name.
213. Seo-yoon
It means Auspicious and consent. Your daughter might someone who promises to brig good fortune for you.
214. seung
It Means victorious.
215. Seung-ah
Its meaning depends on hanja.
216. Shin-hye
The meaning is based on hanja.
217. Si-eun
Its meaning depends on hanja.
218. Si-yeon
Its meaning depends on hanja.
219. So
It is not English “so”, it is Korean “so” which has a totally different meaning. This is a small word and it means to smile.
220. So Young
The meaning is pretty much similar to the English meaning. It means eternal, beautiful, and prosperous.
221. So-hee
It means white and luminous.
222. So-hyun
It means Place.
223. Soo
If you join another “o” with “so”, it becomes “Soo”.It means a charitable and noble person.
224. Soo- A
It means perfect lotus flower.
225. Soo Ah
It is a two-word name in which Soo means Water or Bank, and Ah means Beautiful, or a bud.
226. Soo-Ah
It means Soo means water or bank; Ah means beautiful, bud, sprout, elegant, or graceful.
227. Soo-Gook
It means hydrangea flower.
228. Soo-Jin
it means treasure, excellence, and truth’.
229. Sook
The name is related to spirituality. It means pure and natural.
230. Sook-ja
It means Pure child.
231. Soomin
It means clever, excellence, and many more.
232. Soo-min
It means Excellent and clever. It has a positive purpose.
233. Soon Bok
A name that is quite famous in Korea. It means gentle and blessed.
234. Soon Yi
It means ambtiois.
235. Soon-bok
It means Gentle and blessed; one with a gentle soul. It has several other meanings. However, all the meanings have a positive purpose.
236. Soon-hee
Its means soon.
237. Soon-ja
It means Obiedient child.
238. Soo-yeon
It means a perfect lotus flower. It is a great with simple but deep meaning.
239. Soo-Yun
It means perfect lotus flower.
240. Sora
It means sky.
241. So-won
It means Wish and hope.
242. So-yi
It means sharp.
243. So-young
It means Beautiful.
244. Sun Hee
The word means pleasure and goodness.
245. Sun Jung
It means the goodness in a person and noble.
246. Sung
It means victorious.
247. Sung-kyung
It means Judge, successor, and respect.
248. Sung-mi
It means independent.
249. Sung-sook
It means mature.
250. Sun-Hee
It means goodness, pleasure.
251. Sun-hi
It means the One with a good and joyful demeanor. This word has quite a unique meaning.
252. Sun-hwa
Its meaning depends on hanja.
253. Sun-jung
It means Good and noble. The name has a deep meaning.
254. Sun-mi
It means beatifuk.
255. Sun-ok
It means simple and pure.
256. Suseonhwa
It refers to daffodil plants.
Korean Girl Names Starting With T
257. Taeyang
It means sun. If you like nature, then this is a perfect name.
258. Tyullib
it refers to the tulip flowers.
Korean Girl Names Starting With U
259. UK
It means Sunrise. This is not the same as the United Kingdom.
Korean Girl Names Starting With W
260. Whan
If you want your daughter to always grow in wealth, fame, or anything then this is the perfect name. It means always growing.
261. Wook
Do you like Sunrise? The word meansSunrise.
262. Woong
The word has a deep meaning. It means grand and magnificent.
Korean Girl Names Starting With Y
263. Yang-gwibi
It means the poppy flower.
264. -yeon
It means Little queen.
265. Yeona
It means the one who has a heart of gold.
266. Yeong
This is a lovely and powerful name with the meaning of courage.
267. yo-jin
It means Filial duty or obedience and real, genuine, precious, valuable or rare.
268. Yon
This is the name that you will listen to a lot in Korean movies. It meansstrong.
269. Yong
This is the name associated with Korean politicians. It means the perpetual and brave one.
270. Yoonah
It means the one who is the light of God. It is unusual to name.
271. Yoon-suh
It means who is forever young. It refers to eternal youth, and thank you.
272. Young
It means valiant. If your daughter is as the name suggests then call her by this name.
273. Young Mi
It has a beautiful meaning. It means prosperity, eternal, and good looking.
274. Young-hee
It means courage, beauty, and flowers.
275. Young-II
The prosperous one of them all. The one who is most successful.
276. Young-mi
It means the one who remains forever. It also means beauty, and many more.
277. Young-soon
It means Mild and flower. It becomes a mild flower.
278. Yumi
It means reason, cause, and friend. It has several other meanings. However, if you desire to see these qualities in your daughter then this is the name for you.
279. Yun Hee
It means the Lotus flower and pleasure.
280. Yun-hee
It means the Lotus flower and pleasure. If you feel your daughter is like a lotus flower, then this name is for her.
281. Yuri
It means glass or a crystal.
All these 281 unique and lovely Korean girl names are great for your daughter. All these names are modern and very popular. These all are excellent choices for your daughter. Just imagine the meaning, it will help you narrow down your choices.
Key Reference
Category:Korean feminine given names – Wikipedia Link