A baby shower is a party for a woman who is expecting a new baby. Babies are a miracle of God and it is not easy to put a miracle of God in simple words.
That’s why you need to use the Baby Shower Quotes to make a statement about the party and what’s to come for the parents.
We are offering you a list of 150 Unique Baby Shower Quotes that you can use when you are out of words at a baby shower.
It doesn’t matter if you need to write a baby shower quote for the party decor or in your baby shower card, you can choose any of our baby shower quotes from the long list below.
Our picks of Top 150 Best Baby Shower Quotes For Girls and Boys
1.Babies are a blessing, A gift from heaven. They are precious little angels to cherish and love.
2.Babies are a little piece of heaven sent to earth.
3.You are going to implant a piece of yourself into a brand new person. It’s the most beautiful role ever. Happy Baby Shower!

4.Giving birth to a baby is the only superpower in this world. Happy Baby Shower Supergirl!
5.And here comes a brand new little baby to fill our hearts and lives with happiness.
6.A baby makes the days shorter, nights longer, love stronger, savings smaller and a home happier.
7.Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?

8.It is almost time for the arrival of this little one and no other couple is more deserving of this little baby than you guys. Wish you a happy baby shower!
9.Sometimes the littlest things take up the most of the room in your heart and if you don’t believe me, wait until your little one joins us.
10.Giving birth to a baby is the biggest miracle of life. I wish you an adventurous and smooth ride ahead with a lot of memorable moments.
11.MOM TO BE: Excited, Thoughtful, Sensitive, Glowing, Patient, Joyful, Nervous, Ready, Eager, Kind-Hearted, Caring, Special, Important, Nurturing, Capable, Enthusiastic, Happy: BEAUTIFUL
12.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Can’t wait to see how cute you are.
13.So tiny so small but loved by all

14.If I am thinking right, a new baby is probably the greatest gift that could ever be. Congratulations for being at the receiving end of it. Happy Baby Shower.
15.The grandest gift will be sent to you from heaven by God. It will be a sweet little baby that will enlighten your world. Congratulations on your baby!
16.No matter how tough or smooth your life has been until now, but your new baby will fill your life with a joy that can’t be matched. Congratulations!
17.The countdown begins to the joyous moment we all have been waiting for. Congratulations in advance.

18.I wish your newborn baby always give out happiness and rays of sunshine to the people around him/her.
19.A precious little baby is on the way.
20.May God bless you and your baby forever and ever. Happy Baby Shower!
21.Lots of love and best wishes on the arrival of your little baby! Wish a Happy Baby Shower darling!
22.I wish all the best to you and your precious baby, baby booties, baby toys, baby shower, baby joys……
23.A mother-to-be has a wonderful dream, beautiful plans, and love that never ends.

24.Congratulations! We are all really excited and happy for you both and hope that your little baby is all happy and healthy.
25.Congratulations on the arrival of a little angel in your life. Wish you and your little one a lot of happiness.
26.Proud parents I must say that he’ll cast your sorrows away. Cheers to a lifetime full of love and hugs. He is surely a gift from God above. Happy Baby Shower.
27.We are all so happy that now you will be able to taste a piece of heaven. Many many congratulations in advance for your new baby.
28.A new baby is the starting of all things. hope, wonder and a dream of possibilities.

29.Two little feet we are about to greet, A little girl or boy we are about to meet. Congratulations in advance for your little one!
30.Hitting the bottle is very soon to take a completely different meaning.
31.Congratulations on your little Phoebe or Phoebo.
32.A new baby is like a Tamagotchi but with more poop.

33.A little baby is on his/her way so let’s celebrate before the big day.
34.Every new baby is a bundle of joy. It’s the best gift ever be it a boy or a girl.
35.Welcome to the Earth Baby Angel. The whole world has been waiting for you.
36.Your grand adventure will begin the moment you see your little baby. Happy Baby Shower.
37.You are about to enjoy the magic your little one will bring to your life. May he or she fill your days ahead with laughter, peace, and memories that last forever.
38.Nothing in this world is more peaceful than hearing the echoing of your little baby’s laughter in your house. Congratulations to be parents.
39.Parenthood is undoubtedly one of the best journeys of life. Buckle up & enjoy your ride.

40.Do you know an amazing thing about the babies? They are like a little bundle of hope and future in a basket.
41.Thank you for sending me an invitation to your baby shower, it reminded me that I have to take a birth control pill.
42.Babies are more than just sweet little creatures. You can blame your farts on them.

43.The meaning of bottoms up is about to change completely very soon.
44.Congrats! You are going to be the best baby oven ever.
45.Your little one will fill a place in your heart you never knew was empty. Many many congratulations!
46.Remember little baby, you’re braver than you think, stronger than you look, smarter than you believe and loved by more than you know.
47.I am pretty sure that once you give birth to this child, you will fall in love with your husband all over again and of course, your baby will be your heaven.
48.Someone dear, someone special, someone new, someone cute is coming. Happy Baby Shower!

49.Weather forecast: “A baby shower followed by a sunny baby.”
50.The day you decided to have a baby, you decided forever to have a piece of your heart walk outside of your body.
51.Hi cute little baby, I wish you’ll be the best of the best wherever you fly and will top all others wherever you go.
52.Like Mother Like Daughter. Like Father Like Son.

53.No other affection is as pure and angelic than a father’s affection for his daughter.
54.There are no proper words in the dictionary to explain the love between a father and daughter.
55.The time is coming when you will understand how the touch of a little baby can speak a thousand words.
56.Little curls, pretty dresses, and cute smiles. Oh, thank God for little girls.
57.If you are in your baby’s life today, you’ll definitely be in his memories tomorrow.

58.Your kids are the only true monuments you have in this world.
59.Boys are the most unmanageable among all the animals.
60.Everyone should teach their babies how to think and not what to think.
61.Children see magic because they search for it.
62.Nothing in this world is more precious than a little baby’s smile.

63.Soon you will understand how one little person can be your sun, your moon, and all your stars.
64.A real mom is someone who loves her baby in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and underneath the stars. I know you’ll be a real mom. Happy Baby Shower.
65.A baby girl is a giggle with glitter on it.
66.Little baby girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice.
67.The little birds always sing the sweetest songs.

68.Cute little babies are like flowers because they fill the world with natural beauty.
69.A new baby is like a blank cheque made payable to the humans.
70.Babies are always more than you expect: more trouble and more wonderful. Have a Happy Baby Shower.
71.No matter if it’s a girl or boy, it’ll bring much joy to your life. Just wait and watch to-be-mom.
72.A new baby in the house is a messenger of peace & love, wellspring of pleasure, a link between the men and angels and a place to rest for innocence in this world.
73.Do you know what makes your heart bigger? Your first baby. Congratulations on getting more space in your heart.

74.First, your new baby will make your heart bigger and then it will take up all the space for itself only.
75.Birth of every new child is God’s opinion that life should go on.
76.You are not going to give birth to just a little baby but you are going to give birth to a new thought of God and a new possibility with an ever-fresh brain.
77.We are waiting for someone with ten little fingers and ten little toes, for whom, love in our hearts overflows.
78.A baby needs to be loved forever.

79.Everybody thinks that “you have a baby” but actually “the baby has you”.
80.Nothing in this world is fresher than a new baby. Happy Baby Shower to-be-mom.
81.Welcome to parenthood! We all know that it is a huge transition but you’re definitely gonna love it.
82.Enjoy every moment with your baby because time flies by quickly.

83.Babies are messier, sweeter, softer, louder, and more lovable than one could ever imagine.
84.After the newborn babies, new mothers are the most beautiful creatures on our planet.
85.Many many congratulations on a brand new bundle of joy.
86.You are approaching towards a lifetime of happiness. How do you feel?
87.Having babies is the most beautiful way of starting people.

88.At home and outside, in the playground and in the hospital, here and there, babies are everywhere.
89.A little baby is a tickle on the toes and a kiss on the nose.
90.For every mother, her baby is the brightest sunshine the world has ever seen.
91.The first few years of babyhood are the most magical and memorable years of a mother’s life.
92.A new baby offers busy days, long sleepless nights, questions with no answers and endless love!

93.The little one who is about to come is blessed with amazing parents. I am in joy to see your family grow.
94.The best part about having a baby is where you kiss, cuddle, snuggle and love it.
95.Giving birth means passing your legacy to the next generation and you must pass it in the way your mother passed it on to you.
96.Fill your home with baby toys and get ready to never be quiet again because it’s baby time.
97.Babies are the reason why there is still love and laughter in a home even when it’s all messed up and you’re tired of cleaning.

98.Precious one, so tiny, so sweet, dancing on an angel’s feet, straight from the galaxy’s brightest star, what a blessing babies truly are!
99.To get success in the role of super parents, you need to offer boundless patience and endless love.
100.You are so lucky that God has chosen you for its most wonderful gift from heaven.
101.Get the toy cars ready in all shapes and sizes, bats, balls, and bikes and all other kinds of surprises for the upcoming little man.
102.Every parent deserves every slice of joy their baby can bring to them.
103.Babies are cherished, treasured, beloved, adored and prized. Enjoy the best gift from heaven.
104.Baby powder and baby oil, you will very soon have someone to spoil.
105.Congratulations on your brand new development. It’s very creative.
106.It’s time you trade your high heels and designer purse for flip-flops and diaper bag, you are having a baby.
107.A little gift wrapped and tied with a wish for the cute little baby inside.
108.Giving birth should be a woman’s greatest achievement instead of the greatest fear.
109.A mother’s love can never be explained in any language.
110.Oh baby it is a wild world. Enjoy it until you grow up.
111.Love your baby a little more because one day he will not be so little anymore.
112.Parenting is probably the hardest thing that people love to do.
113.Please stand clear, a new mama is in the making.
114.The only kicks that women love to bear in life are the kicks from their baby inside their womb.
115.Peeing on a stick and then preserving it is the start of many other disgusting things you will be doing as a mother.
116.Smile of a baby is a language that can melt anyone’s heart.
117.The only example of pure kindness in this world is a baby.
118.Nothing but your little baby can make you forget all your problems in life. That’s the power of parental love.
119.The feeling that you get after seeing your first baby for the first time is the best feeling in this world.
120.The days are coming when your stressful day will turn into a joyous occasion in the blink of an eye as soon as you see your cute little baby’s smile.
121.A newborn baby is a packaged rainbow.
122.A real mother never gets tired of playing with her baby and cleaning the baby’s mess.
123.I want to apply for the job of your babysitter. I love to be around babies so why not get paid for it.
124.A happy kid is the heart of heaven so never let the smile fade away from your baby’s face.
125.A person can resist everything but not a cute little angelic baby.
126.A baby’s laugh is the most precious sound in the world. It’s time for you to hear it daily.
127.If you don’t believe in love at first sight, you will when you see your baby for the first time.
128.If you feel angels are not real wait until you give birth to your own baby.
129.The only peaceful moments after you’ve given birth to your baby are the ones when your baby sleeps.
130.Live it until you control your life, soon it will be controlled by a little person.
131.Having your first baby gives you more pleasure than all the other pleasures together can.
132.A newborn baby is the reflection of true beauty and joy.
133.Grandparents see their own children in their grandbabies and that’s why the relation between babies and grandparents is so pure.
134.All barriers of happiness break when a mother holds her new baby in her arms for the first time.
135.Nothing can make you feel sad when your baby is around you.
136.Some people wish to travel the whole world and finally, they achieve their dream when they see their whole world in the eyes of their own baby.
137.Life may give you a hundred reasons to cry but your baby will always give you a thousand reasons to smile.
138.If true love exists then it is definitely what a mother feels for her baby.
139.The happiness of parents lies in the happiness of their baby.
140.Once you give birth to a baby, you no longer need a reason to feel happy. You just feel happy all the time.
141.When a mother holds her baby, it is like sunlight wrapped in arms.
142.Happiness is what you feel when you realize that you are soon going to be a mother.
143.You will forget all the cutest things you have seen when you see your cute little baby.
144.Soon a rainbow will fill up your clear sky and we cannot wait to witness it.
145.Babies are the key to heaven. Don’t forget to give your baby a happy life to book your ticket to heaven.
146.Giving birth to a baby is a miracle that never fails to put smiles all over.
147.A baby girl is like a flower that keeps on blossoming for the rest of its life.
148.Nothing is more pure, cute and soulful than a newborn baby.
149.Little baby boys are like the superheroes in disguise.
150.An innocent charm is arriving in a tiny package. Get yourself ready for a baby.
These were the 150 Baby shower quotes that will make each one of your baby shower message or baby shower card great.
Use them wisely and give the best surprise to the mom-to-be through a combination of words only.
There are some funny quotes as well which you can use if the parents understand humor otherwise it can hit you back too.
So now you can start decorating your baby shower party or your baby shower card with our beautiful baby shower quotes.
The best thing about these quotes is that you won’t find them anywhere else on the internet. These are our unique creations.
Hope you liked our 150 baby shower quotes. Have a Happy Baby Shower. Good Luck.
Key Reference
1.Baby shower – Wikipedia Link
2.Baby Showers: Ideas, Themes, Games & Gifts | Parents Link