We build fun and useful apps to enhance your experience on twitter.
They are developed the way twitter was meant to be: simple!
All of our apps are FREE to use and with no advertisement. Enjoy them!
Say Goodbye to Business Cards as you know it!
We’d like to announce our newest twtapps today: TwtBizCard is your Twitter business card application that lets you send an electronic business card via Twitter by adding #twtbizcard to a @reply.
I had thought about a business card application a long time ago, but never really thought of a good way to do it. It’s a problem that many people face: from the cost of designing and printing business cards to the number of them you receive when you go to events/conferences often.
Last week, I was talking to @twittdeal on the phone about twtQpon and she mentioned some of her frustrations with business cards and that it would be a good idea to have a Twitter Business Card application. It was then, when it finally clicked a good way to do it.
So, thanks @twittdeal for the suggestion!
TwtBizCard is very simple. All you do is add #twtbizcard to a @reply. That’s it! You don’t have to set it up before or anything… The person you’re sending it to doesn’t even need to know what TwtBizCard is.

When we see that hashtagged tweet, we create your business card with your basic Twitter information and make it available to the people you sent it to. At any time, you can change your information and the new info will be instantly available.
Print name tags for your next Tweetup
Twtvite has added a simple feature some users have been asking for. You can now print name tags for your Tweetups. We get the Twitter picture, @name, and real name of all of the people who RSVP “yes” or “maybe” (just in case they decide to show up.)
You’re still going to need to adjust it a little to make sure the right number and spacing per page are correct. The link to it can be found in the “Who’s going?” section of your twtvite.
We hope many of you will find it useful and, as always, we’d love to hear your feedback!
Twtapps nominated for AO Global 250
Twtapps was nominated for AlwaysOn & KPMG’s seventh annual Global 250 list, which honors the top emerging private companies that are demonstrating significant market traction while developing game-changing technologies and creating new business opportunities in the global technology industries.
Nominated companies come from the following industry sectors — Consumer and Entertainment; Device, Components, and Infrastructure; Enterprise; Mobile & Wireless; Services & Enablers, Green Tech; and Media & Advertising — and will be evaluated based on Innovation, Market Opportunity, Commercialization, Media Buzz, and Investor Value Creation.
The Global 250 will be honored at the 2009 Summit at Stanford conference, to be held July 28th-30th at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA.
Twtapps at Montreal Startup Camp
Twtapps was pleased to be selected to present at Montreal Startup camp 4. The growing Montreal Tech community came out in full force. There were over 400 attendees at le SAC last night.
Here’s part of our presentation (the first few minutes didn’t get recorded well, so skip to 11:40min mark)
Since then, we’ve been flooded with great feedback and comments.
Thank you, Montreal! We’re proud to be part of this amazing community!
Send your Twitter profile with your twtpolls
Last week we release a new feature on Twtpoll that has shown to be very valuable for some of our users. You can now leverage the viral nature of Twitter and send your Twitter profile with the polls you create.
Here’s how it works! If you choose to upgrade your polls (one-time fee – and the best part we’ll describe below), we’ll display your Twitter background and your basic information (#followers/#following/#updates + description + link to your website + location) with all of your Twtpolls.
As people come to answer your polls and retweet them, your profile goes with it. That way, people get a chance to learn more about the person/business behind the questions and possibly start a conversation or start following you.
We want all of our services to remain simple and free. This upgrade is only for people who finds it valuable for the way they use Twitter.
To customize/upgrade your twtpolls:
- Click here
- Enter your Twitter name
- See what your polls will look like
- One-time fee (for all of your current and future polls)
- You pay what you want.
You decide how much this service is worth for you!
We hope this feature will enhance the way you use Twitter and Twtpoll.
Here are some of the users who have upgraded their twtpolls. Check out their latest polls:
- italal
- BryanRoth
- twittdeal
- mauicouponmag
- tomcapote
- alexknight
Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
We always love to hear what you all think!