Pregnancy period in most women is very joyful since they’re expecting an amazing baby boy or girl. Due to this, they almost endure everything to achieve their full period and to deliver their happiness finally! The pregnancy period brings about all sort of body changes both internal and external, and some are very surprising. The changes can be termed as pregnancy symptoms. Some of the symptoms include a hard stomach which happens with time. This article explains when and how does your stomach become hard during pregnancy.

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If one looks at a pregnant woman from a distance, the pregnant stomach probably appears like it very soft for one to touch; however, this isn’t always true. Many people are actually surprised to feel that a pregnant belly may be very firm to touch. Therefore, for any expectant mother who is curious to know when the stomach gets somehow hard during pregnancy period and why does this happens, isn’t on the wrong side.

It’ normal many things concerning pregnancy vary from one mother to another, but there is a rough estimate of when the symptom occurs. Every pregnant woman and each pregnancy is generally unique; therefore no one can easily generalize that your stomach is going to get hard at exactly 21st week. The certainty and approximation are beneficial, although each baby and the mother body always tend to grow and develop at their pace.

However, a pregnant woman is expected to have hard stomach symptoms in the 12 weeks or very likely in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In particular, the hard stomach symptom makes you feel persistently tight as you approach the end of the pregnancy, according to various scientific medical research. This occurs because the mothers baby and the organs do not have adequate space for the baby to move around. Experiencing a consistent hard stomach depends on various factors, such as the mother’s body builds up and how the baby grows as well as how many babies the mother is carrying in her womb.

There are some instances where a mothers stomach becomes hard for just a few minutes, then it relaxes. This experience is normal and part of the pregnancy symptom. In some case, where the stomach becomes tight at random for some minutes then relaxes may be caused by Braxton-Hicks contraction and this very normal during pregnancy period. According to various medical pregnancy research, Braxton Hicks contraction popularly known as the practice contraction is warm up to the main event. The contractions cause a hardened stomach and are alarming to most mothers. The contractions are a sign that the body is preparing for the babies arrival.

In summary, the mother may experience a hard stomach during pregnancy due to various reasons, hence it’s good to visit a doctor for medical advice. It’s good to note that, whether the mother’s stomach is hard or soft during pregnancy, the main cause is the bodies reaction towards the growing baby. The pregnancy symptoms should be taken seriously for the safety of the baby and the mother.